Friday, November 7, 2008

My lil sissy!

Well today i was listening to music on my computer like always but today was diffrent! My baby sister who is only 16 months came up to me and pointed at my headphones so i lowered the volume and put them on her so she can hear it. At the time Slipknot was playing. And if anyone knows who they are then yeah. If you don't, there the best head banging metal/hardcore rock alive! When i put them on her she started dancing which cracked me up! XD But was even cooler SHE HEADBANGED! For the first time she banged her head and it was so cute! :D


Wendy Lopez-Redaon said...

hello Jace =)

a 16 month old baby head banging!! wow now that's something you don't see everyday =)

Tarasview said...

Congratulations Jace!! You won Bible Illuminated in my blog giveaway! Please email me your mailing address so I can get this sent out to you! You have 48 hours to respond before I pick a new winner.

taradawnrobertson at hotmail

Thanks for entering!