Monday, October 20, 2008

Just thinking...

You know, i was just sitting here and thinking about life. Just life itself. Like what's my purpose, why was i brought up on earth? I was sitting here thinking about all the mistakes Ive made in my life. The mistakes that hurt others, myself, or just the ones that were plain idiotic. I was sitting here and thinking life is just like a long straight road with other roads to take turns on, kinda like as if you were gonna look up a tree, You start as the seen and your childhood is easy and your guided by parents and you grow stronger that's the base of the tree. Then it gets to the biggest point in your life, where u reach being a teenager. That's where all the branches bloom and it's up to you to pick one. The bad route, the good route, or just whichever. If your anything like me, then you'll come across many holes in the road. Sometimes it wont just be holes. There will be obstacles to overcome and everything. I live in doubt alot...I tend to, live in the past what some people say. I look back at many mistakes Ive made alot. And its hard to get those holes paved over and never see them again sometimes. Sometimes for people its the easiest thing. People say it's stupid to live in the past. I understand that but there are times in life, in every one's life you make a new mistake, and an old similar mistake comes to mind then more and more keep coming and they bring you down. I live my life like that. And sadly i make many mistakes in my life. I just think it's hard to live life in doubt and sadness when all mistakes in your life come out in your mind and it's hard for you to recall a good thing you've done. Just wanted to have you guys think about that and possibly tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

Just the fact that you can admit to making mistakes is a step in the right direction. We all make mistakes but you do have to fix them and then move on. Your young and full of life. You'll find your way :-)

Vishnu said...

Yes I too get such thoughts when I do mistakes.But forget the past and live for the future. Try to think about the good moments in the past

Anonymous said...

Mistakes are just that and everybody makes them and just goes to prove you are human (hopefully not a surprise to you!).

As hard as it is try not to worry about the past. Learn from it if you can but other than that just move on. I think a lot of people consider the past to be a good indicator of the future but I am not so sure and as for the future I wouldn't worry about that too much either as it isn't here yet and who knows what will happen between now and then.

If you want to be happy and make a difference then I would suggest concentrating on now. Now is where your life really exists and is the place where your decisions really matter.

Good luck and thank you for asking for my thoughts.