Monday, October 13, 2008

COD5: World At War

Activision is going to be releasing not only the amazing game's new sequel! Also their collectors edition is gonna be full of awesome stuff! This game is available for (Xbox 360, Ps3, PC, Wii, DS, and PS2) The collectors edition first of all comes in a nice Tin box. Inside the box is what is really neat! Inside you will find neat Call Of Duty inspired artwork. Also inside is a brushed stainless steel canteen branded with the games title on it. You will have to visit the site to activate your week of double exp that is provided for you on buying this edition of the game. Not only will you get the double exp but an FG 42 machine gun that is for 45+ levels. Last but not least you clan lovers will have a V.I.P chance to get a uniquely colored clan tag! So whoever gets this is lucky! Happy Gaming!!!

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